Yoga By The Sea

Ropes Workshop (Yoga Karunta)
with Nicola Tiburzi

October 26 (Saturday)
at 12:00 pm

Class length
120 minutes

Moon Studio

Yoga karunta is a method of performing a variety of poses, using wall ropes to achieve accuracy, agility, and balance. The system was developed by BKS Iyengar.

Join Nicola Tiburzi, Certified Iyengar teacher, in this series of four Saturday workshops. Each workshop is a standalone teaching, so it is possible to sign up for individual classes.

Classes are Saturday 12-2pm
February 8th
March 8th

Each class is $55
Space is limited to 5 people. No drop ins.
Students must register in advance with Nicola Tiburzi, Certified Iyengar teacher. 

604.399.YOGA (9642)